The Long Haul, Which is in Our Best Interest>Self-Centered Choices, or a Shared Standard?

A place where I can share my thoughts. This is a result of trying to go chat at various yahoo chat rooms, and all you can get at chat rooms anymore is empty, ignorant chatting that leaves you feeling like you just wasted a bunch of precious time. So, I'll express/vent here! If you relate, feel free to reply. Thanks!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Without God's Laws showing us how to live, you will end up functioning without a sure foundation.

Do you understand that? Christianity has left such a bad/wrong perception of who God and His law is, that when people pick up their bible and actually start reading it with any decent level of comprehension, they realize that Jesus is not God, they are completely lost. How sad. A great many of the Athiests that I have read on the internet, end up Atheists because of this poisoning of Christianity's perverse portrayal of God. Atheists, as I have come to know them, are very intelligent people. They do not appreciate being deceived, and make great efforts to make sure that they do not stay in a state of deception. Why Christians do not make the same effort is the same reason people get disgusted with them. They are spiritually lazy.

I feel bad for Athiests. They have made an important decision to move away from the deception, but I feel that they really don't see how much brain washing they have experienced. I believe that they know things are not complete in their assessment of the idea of "God" but they know they will not go back to the place that deceived them.

I have come to this point in my understanding of God and the Bible. Right now, I am not concerned with how this world came into existence, although I will state fully that I totally reject that we are evolved animals. Right now, I am not concerned with "who" God is, or "how" God came to be. What I am concerned with, is that fact that I am here, right now, how do I live well?

God's laws have totally fulfilled this void in my life. I made a conscience decision to submit to all of God's laws. And you know what? They work!!!

There is not a single law that God has given that I have a problem with. They all make complete sense to me. I don't understand all the angles of them, but if I take some time to look at them through God's protective purposes in his law, that being protection of our physical body, the care of our sensitive soul/emotions/heart, and the satisfaction of our spirit/mind. You can find God accomplishing protection of these three areas in every law. Plus the protection of the animals and our earth.

Because of that understanding, I believe in God. Whoever He is. However He came to be. There is so much liberty in the law, it is amazing. Christianity is so legalistic, and overbearing, I will NEVER go back to that cult!

Oh, I'm going to stop here. The only people that I am interested in having hear me, are people who care about knowing the truth. Not those who are comfortable being deceived, and are too lazy and deliberately rebellious to do anything about it.

I would love to find people of that higher intelligence.

Are there any of you out there? I would love to "sit at the gates" and reason with you.

Happy Festivus!


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