The Long Haul, Which is in Our Best Interest>Self-Centered Choices, or a Shared Standard?

A place where I can share my thoughts. This is a result of trying to go chat at various yahoo chat rooms, and all you can get at chat rooms anymore is empty, ignorant chatting that leaves you feeling like you just wasted a bunch of precious time. So, I'll express/vent here! If you relate, feel free to reply. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Whatever works for you."
I hate that statement when it comes from someone I know doesn't mean it!

Don't get me wrong, I am a foremost proponent of freewill. If a person really means that when they say it, then I accept that. Problem is, people just make that statement, and really don't mean it.

Especially Christians. That's who last said that to me. I mean, "What!?!!" Suddenly Christians believe, "every man did that which was right in his own eyes" is acceptable?

It's all a PC lie anyway. We all know that statement is too stupid to really mean, unless you are talking about how you do laundry or variations of recipes. But not when it comes to belief in the God of the Bible, and the standards He set forth in the law.

"Whatever works" is not acceptable to God. I thought it was supposed to be, "Whatever God says" is what works. Christians reject the law. Oh, they'll say they don't, but they do. They accept whatever the "Apostle" Paul tells them is acceptable, but they reject God's standards for living in the law. Or, they will quote a law according to a false understanding of it and say, "you think that law is good for today?" When in truth, they only see what they've heard. They don't do their homework. They don't know the truth!

Like for instance, Christians are falsely taught by Paul that they are under a "sin curse," because of Adam and Eve, and condemned through the law. That, "Christ was made a curse for us." What a lie! We are not under a curse!

Do a simple search of the words, "curse" and "cursed" in the bible. The word "curse" is only in the bible 101 times. The word "cursed" is only in the bible 72 times. The whole study will only take you less than an hour. If you have any belief in God and can't find the wisdom and value in an hour bible study, then stop saying you are a child of God. You're not, and you have no right to say you've taken His name (according to the 3rd commandment). You're just simply a liar if you won't invest the time.

It's easy to see that man was never cursed out of the garden. The serpent and the earth were. After the flood of Noah, God lifted the curse off the earth. The only curse clearly expressed in the bible, as far as man's relationship to God is concerned is when we turn away from keeping the law. Not that a man might break a law, God knew that would happen, and extends forgiveness upon request. He also provided an outward expression of our thankfulness of his mercy and forgiveness through His ceremonial laws of offerings (a gift from us) that we could bring to God's house, The Temple in Jerusalem, and allow his servants the priest take that gift and prepare it as a holy sacrifice acceptable to God. We are under no curse when we are taking advantage of this provision of God's love for us at His Temple with our offerings as Paul falsely teaches. That pharisee is a liar and a twister of the law, just as the scribes, and Jesus rightly rebuked them! But he was not God, and never wrote a word stating he was. So drop that lie too, another false doctrine of Paul's and the Roman Catholic church.

Of course the Temple was taken away. Perverted Judaism will keep it that way too. Israel/the Jews are the stewards of God's laws, and they are under judgment for their slack and because they maintain their oral Torah. So, until they repent, there will be no Temple. Christians can wait until their falsely believed second coming of Christ till their blue in the face. Ain't happening!! But it's amusing watching them sit around and convincing each other that it's going to happen. No matter how much compassion a person would like to have for them, bottom line is they choose to be brainwashed by their lack of accountability. For themselves, and for their false teachers who are supported by the false teaching of paying tithes to them. So, let the blind lead the blind. The cure is right in front of their face, and they turn away because they would rather be accepted by the group and have a "feel good" experience, than to learn the truth, and make a change!

There, I feel better. This entry was more for venting, and I feel better.
If you feel offended, figure out why, and if you can't offer a decent response, then may the aggravation consume you if you make no effort to find the truth!



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