The Long Haul, Which is in Our Best Interest>Self-Centered Choices, or a Shared Standard?

A place where I can share my thoughts. This is a result of trying to go chat at various yahoo chat rooms, and all you can get at chat rooms anymore is empty, ignorant chatting that leaves you feeling like you just wasted a bunch of precious time. So, I'll express/vent here! If you relate, feel free to reply. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Well, my cousin Patrick has convinced me to post my blogs at MySpace. He said he likes what I say, but thinks I'd get better interaction at that website. So, I'll try it for a while.
This one will be more like a journal than a blog. But I wonder if I'll be back anytime soon.

I posted comments here at this website to others blogs, but got no responses.
It's pretty dead at this website.

Anyway, that's all tonight.

Here's the link to MySpace site

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Whatever works for you."
I hate that statement when it comes from someone I know doesn't mean it!

Don't get me wrong, I am a foremost proponent of freewill. If a person really means that when they say it, then I accept that. Problem is, people just make that statement, and really don't mean it.

Especially Christians. That's who last said that to me. I mean, "What!?!!" Suddenly Christians believe, "every man did that which was right in his own eyes" is acceptable?

It's all a PC lie anyway. We all know that statement is too stupid to really mean, unless you are talking about how you do laundry or variations of recipes. But not when it comes to belief in the God of the Bible, and the standards He set forth in the law.

"Whatever works" is not acceptable to God. I thought it was supposed to be, "Whatever God says" is what works. Christians reject the law. Oh, they'll say they don't, but they do. They accept whatever the "Apostle" Paul tells them is acceptable, but they reject God's standards for living in the law. Or, they will quote a law according to a false understanding of it and say, "you think that law is good for today?" When in truth, they only see what they've heard. They don't do their homework. They don't know the truth!

Like for instance, Christians are falsely taught by Paul that they are under a "sin curse," because of Adam and Eve, and condemned through the law. That, "Christ was made a curse for us." What a lie! We are not under a curse!

Do a simple search of the words, "curse" and "cursed" in the bible. The word "curse" is only in the bible 101 times. The word "cursed" is only in the bible 72 times. The whole study will only take you less than an hour. If you have any belief in God and can't find the wisdom and value in an hour bible study, then stop saying you are a child of God. You're not, and you have no right to say you've taken His name (according to the 3rd commandment). You're just simply a liar if you won't invest the time.

It's easy to see that man was never cursed out of the garden. The serpent and the earth were. After the flood of Noah, God lifted the curse off the earth. The only curse clearly expressed in the bible, as far as man's relationship to God is concerned is when we turn away from keeping the law. Not that a man might break a law, God knew that would happen, and extends forgiveness upon request. He also provided an outward expression of our thankfulness of his mercy and forgiveness through His ceremonial laws of offerings (a gift from us) that we could bring to God's house, The Temple in Jerusalem, and allow his servants the priest take that gift and prepare it as a holy sacrifice acceptable to God. We are under no curse when we are taking advantage of this provision of God's love for us at His Temple with our offerings as Paul falsely teaches. That pharisee is a liar and a twister of the law, just as the scribes, and Jesus rightly rebuked them! But he was not God, and never wrote a word stating he was. So drop that lie too, another false doctrine of Paul's and the Roman Catholic church.

Of course the Temple was taken away. Perverted Judaism will keep it that way too. Israel/the Jews are the stewards of God's laws, and they are under judgment for their slack and because they maintain their oral Torah. So, until they repent, there will be no Temple. Christians can wait until their falsely believed second coming of Christ till their blue in the face. Ain't happening!! But it's amusing watching them sit around and convincing each other that it's going to happen. No matter how much compassion a person would like to have for them, bottom line is they choose to be brainwashed by their lack of accountability. For themselves, and for their false teachers who are supported by the false teaching of paying tithes to them. So, let the blind lead the blind. The cure is right in front of their face, and they turn away because they would rather be accepted by the group and have a "feel good" experience, than to learn the truth, and make a change!

There, I feel better. This entry was more for venting, and I feel better.
If you feel offended, figure out why, and if you can't offer a decent response, then may the aggravation consume you if you make no effort to find the truth!


Sunday, December 25, 2005

Without God's Laws showing us how to live, you will end up functioning without a sure foundation.

Do you understand that? Christianity has left such a bad/wrong perception of who God and His law is, that when people pick up their bible and actually start reading it with any decent level of comprehension, they realize that Jesus is not God, they are completely lost. How sad. A great many of the Athiests that I have read on the internet, end up Atheists because of this poisoning of Christianity's perverse portrayal of God. Atheists, as I have come to know them, are very intelligent people. They do not appreciate being deceived, and make great efforts to make sure that they do not stay in a state of deception. Why Christians do not make the same effort is the same reason people get disgusted with them. They are spiritually lazy.

I feel bad for Athiests. They have made an important decision to move away from the deception, but I feel that they really don't see how much brain washing they have experienced. I believe that they know things are not complete in their assessment of the idea of "God" but they know they will not go back to the place that deceived them.

I have come to this point in my understanding of God and the Bible. Right now, I am not concerned with how this world came into existence, although I will state fully that I totally reject that we are evolved animals. Right now, I am not concerned with "who" God is, or "how" God came to be. What I am concerned with, is that fact that I am here, right now, how do I live well?

God's laws have totally fulfilled this void in my life. I made a conscience decision to submit to all of God's laws. And you know what? They work!!!

There is not a single law that God has given that I have a problem with. They all make complete sense to me. I don't understand all the angles of them, but if I take some time to look at them through God's protective purposes in his law, that being protection of our physical body, the care of our sensitive soul/emotions/heart, and the satisfaction of our spirit/mind. You can find God accomplishing protection of these three areas in every law. Plus the protection of the animals and our earth.

Because of that understanding, I believe in God. Whoever He is. However He came to be. There is so much liberty in the law, it is amazing. Christianity is so legalistic, and overbearing, I will NEVER go back to that cult!

Oh, I'm going to stop here. The only people that I am interested in having hear me, are people who care about knowing the truth. Not those who are comfortable being deceived, and are too lazy and deliberately rebellious to do anything about it.

I would love to find people of that higher intelligence.

Are there any of you out there? I would love to "sit at the gates" and reason with you.

Happy Festivus!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

LORD have mercy!
I'm sitting here watching ABC's, Barbara Walters special on "heaven." She is by far the last person who should tackle the question, but I'll give her credit for trying. I'm hoping by the time people watch it, they see how ridiculous the belief in heaven really is (at least as far as any human going there), because it has no biblical foundation. Especially, when it comes to Christians. They have not ONE biblical leg to stand on in their belief.

First of all, in order for Christianity to stand at all, it MUST prove that Jesus is God in the flesh, according to Old Testament prophecy. They CANNOT prove that he is biblically. The word, "Christ" mean "anointed" in the Greek. There are many "anointed" humans in the bible. For instance, God actually names one of his anointed, who he also calls his shepherd in Isaiah. Read Isa 44:28 and Isa 45:1 . Love to watch Christian stumble on just these two specifically.

Christians are trained by the spin doctors. They don't know their bible, they only know how they have been taught in how to use certain scripture verses. They can't debate their way out of a proverbial wet paper bag when it comes to deep, important doctrines!

Don't believe me? Ask a Christian to first prove that Jesus is God in the flesh from Old Testament scripture, because without being able to do so, their religion is a cult! Second, then ask them to biblically prove where in the bible does it say that any human can go to heaven, which does exist, but it's God's residence. Where!?!! It's not in there.

Here, let me save us all a little time with some of their rhetorical answers, OK?
First, remember the supposed description of heaven? You know, the "streets of gold," yada, yada? Well, let's read the text. This supposed description of heaven is found in Revelation, the 21st chapter. Here's a link, and let me help you see how Christianity deceives people.
Rev 21:2 . Note the very first thing John says in this chapter; "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." Let's test your reading comprehension, OK? Do you see the words, "New Jerusalem"? Not heaven, right? Then, most importantly, do you see the words, "coming DOWN OUT OF heaven"? Hmmm, if these following verses are a description of heaven, then how is it John says a city, not heaven is coming coming down out of itself? It's not heaven!!! This is clearly an allegorical place. It doesn't exist for real! It's quite apparent that most of the book of Revelation is allegorical. Doesn't take a doctorate in theology to see that deception, now does it?

That was one of the first arguments you'll get. Now onto the next typical argument.

The next thing they'll try to tell you is that Jesus said he's going to build us mansions "in heaven." Did he actually say he was going to heaven to build all of us mansions? Let's take a look at this portion of scriptures from the "new" Testament.

This is found in the Gospel of John. Before we get to it, real quick, remember that chapter and verse are man made, and can GREATLY affect the flow, and therefore understanding of what you are reading in a portion of scripture.
John chapter 14, verse 2 is where Jesus is supposedly reported to have stated that he is going to build us a mansion. In order to comprehend and therefore understand what is being discussed by Jesus, we need to take a look at a few things.
Here are some questions you need to ask. "Who is speaking." Jesus. "Who is he speaking to?" Uh, not us, the Apostles. "What are the circumstances surrounding the subject being spoken of?" This is a conversation being held at what is known as, "The Last Supper." Jesus knows his end is near, and he is giving his Apostles his last words. Most importantly, when trying to understand the bible, we need to realize that, "scripture interprets scripture."

So, here's what happens when you look at what Jesus said in this portions of scripture.

First, the circumstances under which this conversation begins in Chapter 13. Jesus had been saying things to them that he knew were going to disturb and confuse them. In chapter 14, he begins to tell them that he is going to be going away. That when he goes, he will make sure they are taken care of. Further down this same chapter, is his promise of a "Comforter." This Holy Spirit will help them remember things that will help and comfort them.

But, the subject here, is did Jesus promise to build believers mansions in heaven? Let's look closer. Jesus didn't even mention heaven. So, what was he talking about? Let's use the tool, "scripture interprets scripture." I like to use the bible search engine, and yes, I like to use the KJV. Only because I have used it my whole life, and I am most familiar with it. is my favorite. Put in the words, "father's house." You'll see that 66 verses contains this phrase. But since Jesus is talking, let's go to the "new" Testament and see where else he used this phrase. Ah! There it is. Jhn 2:16 . You'll see there that Jesus uses this phrase when he overturns the money changers tables. There, now we have a clear understanding of what Jesus was referring to. The Temple.

Not convinced? Let me take this opportunity to show you more deceptions in Christianity. For instance, this belief that there is going to be another Temple built. No there's not going to be.
The vision that Ezekiel had of the new Temple, which has been already built. Ezekiel had this vision BEFORE the second Temple had been built. Did you know that? This vision of Ezekiels was the blueprint that was used when Ezra rebuilt the Temple after the Babylonian captivity. Just find a place on the internet that will show you a timeline for the time the prophets prophesied. There is confussing deception is the order of the books in the "old" Testament. If the "old" Testament was in chronological order, EVERYTHING in the "new" would look different.

Take a look at this model of Ezekiel's Temple.
Slide down the page there to the third picture, item 14. Do you see the many "mansions?" Go to put in the word "mansion." The word is only in the bible one time. Click the verse. On the next page, click the little blue "c" in the blue square to the left of the verse. When the Greek loads up, slide down to the word on the left there, "mansions." Click the number 3438 there to the right of the word mansion. Read the definition. Also know to click the 3306 root word, as it is important to check a word down to it's roots.

This is one of the complaints I have with the BlueLetterBible, they do not always exactly quote Strong's Concordance. Thankfully, I figured this out. I have 3 Strong's Concordances, so I know to double check the definitions. BlueLetterBible's is close. Here's how Strong's actually puts it;
"a staying, ie, a residence; abode, mansion" When you combine that with it's root word meaning, you'll see that it's a place to abide. Like a house, etc...I actually heard a man say that the word, "apartment" would have been a better word to use here. I'd say that you see just that in the model of Ezekiel's Temple. This is the same Temple (although it had been remodeled and moved a little since Ezra built it) that Jesus and the Apostles knew well.

Now, let me pull this together for you. John 14, Jesus tells the Apostles that he is going to prepare a place. I believe it is quite clear that he did just that. He prepared a place in the Temple for them to stay, until the Comforter came, just as he promised.
Here is another command/request by Jesus to his Apostles; Luk 24:49 "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high." And proof they did as he asked, and that they stayed at the place he had prepared for them in the Temple... Read the rest of chapter 24, especially verse 53; Luk 24:53 "And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen." See?

Now, what happened when they were in the Temple continually, waiting for the promise of the comforter? Read Act 2:1 states that; "they were all with one accord in one place"- Act 2:4 "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost." There you go, it all happened in the place that Jesus had prepared for them. But sorry, this is not something that Jesus said that can prove anyone will go to heaven. You just have to look. But most Christians just listen, and never look.

I believe that Jesus was an important prophet in Israel's history. I do not however believe he is God. Mainly because the "old" Testament does not teach he is. Paul is the author of Christianity, not Jesus.
Needless to say, I am not a Christian. So I don't agree with everything at the websites I use and have listed here. But note that I do believe in God. I am not a Jew, I am not a Johovah's Witness, etc...or anything of the like. I just love the law, and appreciate the beauty in it's design. I "get" David's love of the law that he constantly expresses especially in Psalms.

Anyway, I ranted here to prove that there is no verse in the bible that teaches you can go to heaven when you die. Not in the "old" or the "new." So, until someone can make just one verse state such, Christian spin doctores should stop teaching that it does.

That's all for today.
My son has to have his wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow morning. So we all better get to sleep. Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I can't believe it!
I found my blog again!!
How funny is this? I lost this website after the first time I used it. Then I couldn't remember anything about the information I used to establish the account! Not my username, or password. Once I realized I couldn't remember anything, nor did I save any of the information, life just pick up it's pace once again, and this was the end of my efforts.
Then, here it is, a nice cozy winter Sunday afternoon, and it popped back into my head. I tried to figure it out again, and somehow, I found my way back, yeah!!

So, the first thing that happens is that because I have so many thoughts always in my head, I never know where to start. There are tons of things that I want to do or change in my life.

I'll be honest and head into an idea that came into my head. But before I do, I want to add some background.

Oh, crap! I have had so many interruptions, I'll have to wait again. I feel like I might explode if I don't get this out. Oh well, maybe tomorrow!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Hi to me, and all the rest!

This is my first blog, and this is what is on my mind today.
I live in Wisconsin, and this week, starting this morning, is the deer hunting season. My guys, (husband Tom, two sons, Dustin and Zachary) have all gone "up north" to stay at the cabin, as is the tradition for all of our lives.
So, since it's a "no females" camp, I'm home. I used to hate being left out, but at least today, I don't care. I'm enjoying my time alone.

So, what am I going to do with my time? First, work on my dieting. Oowee, just getting it out feels overwhelming. But why put off what must be done?

Since I didn't get this set up till late in the day, I won't write much more for now. But tomorrow, and the rest of the week, or whenever I need to, I'll be back to write more. And do I have a lot on my mind! (and heart...._

Till then.....